Get race ready
About the Class
Race Strong
With a sport measured in seconds and thousands of a second, being prepared involved a quick reaction times, strong mental focus, heart pumping energy and strength to move over 3,000 lbs – and that is just the pit crew. Students will examine what it takes to be involved in the sport from various careers and try their hand at some of the challenges facing different positions. Students will have a chance to test their knowledge of life science and anatomy as well.
Curriculum Standard Alignments (Health Education) HE.5; HE.6; HE.7
NC State Standards: 8.L.5.2; 6.NPA.1-3; 7.NPA.1, 2,4; 8.NPA.1-2
SC State Standards: N-6.1.2 – 6; N-7.1.4-6; N-8.1.1; N.8.1.3; P-8.1.1