
Opens at 10am


Opens at 10am

Media Shoot Request Form

Filming & Photography Guidelines

Photo/Video Policy for Media
Media, production companies and other organizations interested in professional filming or photography for editorial use on Hall of Fame property (both interior and exterior) require permission through the Marketing & Communications department at least two weeks prior to arrival. Interested in learning more? View our filming and photography guidelines below and fill out our request form to get started.

  • A member of the Marketing & Communications team or other Hall of Fame staff must accompany film and photography crews for the duration of time they are on Hall of Fame property.
  • We require a location agreement and a North Carolina certificate of insurance for media shoots. The specific date, times and locations approved for filming will be denoted on the agreement.
  • In some cases, a rental fee may apply for filming at the Hall.
  • No outside food and beverage is permitted in the Hall of Fame. A Pit Stop Cafe is located within the facility or crews may order from our catering menu in advance.
  • Parking is available for crews in the NASCAR Hall of Fame parking garage on Brevard Street. The NASCAR Hall of Fame loading dock may be accessed for load-in/load-out by request. Please note that your organization must have automobile liability insurance to access the loading dock.
  • Production crews may not touch the cars or artifacts on Glory Road, Great Hall and Hall of Honor.
  • Production crews may not record video or photos in the NASCAR Hall of Fame unless in the natural background. All video in the facility is produced and owned by NASCAR Productions and usage rights must be requested or purchased by NASCAR Productions.
  • All cords used during production must be taped down with gaffer tape provided by the crew and all equipment must be stored out of the way of guests during the shoot.
  • Guests must be able to freely maneuver and should not be blocked by cameras, crews or equipment for ADA compliance and customer experience.
  • Interviews with visitors may only take place with a member of the Marketing & Communications department's express approval and then only with the agreement of the visitor. The filming or interviewing of children may only take place with the express permission of their parent or guardian.
  • The use of drones in or on Hall of Fame property is subject to pre-approval. Any approved use of drones must also meet the provisions established in the NASCAR Hall of Fame’s Drone Policy (a copy may be obtained through your Marketing & Communications contact).
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Please allow 3-5 business days for response